2 Samuel 23:2 The spirit of the Lord speaks through me and His message on my lips
Teri’s witnessing of how Christ centered living has transformed her life, is continuing to reach others, giving them hope and encouragement to grow through faith in Jesus Christ.
Since 2002, when Teri accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior, she has experienced God’s powerful calling on her life.
Growing up with little more than a casual knowledge of God, Teri searched for meaning and purpose in her life by way of a variety of careers, people and possessions. It wasn’t until she laid on her kitchen floor contemplating suicide when she experienced Christ’s love pouring through her, as she asked, God are you real? He answered with His love.
Teri’s message is based on her belief that the word of God, true worship, and genuine faith lead to obedience and abundant living.
Teri owned and operated Christian Ambiance Ministry, a restaurant, and bookstore for ten years, a Church in the marketplace. She has provided a shelter for women coming out of prison and jail, in addition to a Prison and Jail ministry. Teri participated in International ministry, speaking at twelve churches in Peru.
Teri is the author of The Unmerited Favor Series. First book of the series is Saved by Grace Established in Faith. Second book of the series is Loved by God Healed in Truth.
Teri is the Pastor of True Church in two locations, Hannibal and Monroe City, Missouri. She is on WTJR Pray 16 Tv program live monthly.
She is a daughter of the only true God. An ambassador for God through Jesus Christ and the power of Holy Spirit. A wife, mother of six daughters, grandmother who loves God the Father, His son Jesus Christ and people!